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Memories of the Occupation in Greece

Kerasia Malagiorgi


Conduct of interviews, indexing

Kerasia Malagiorgi was born in 1984. She studied History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology at the University of Thessaly (with specialization in History). In 2012 she received an MA diploma from the same department. Her MA thesis topic was on the “Memories of the Jews of Volos during the Occupation and the early post war period”. In 2013-14, as a recipient of the annual scholarships offered by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs to non-Israeli students, she lived in Israel and conducted fieldwork on Greek Jews who migrated there after the Second World War. Since 2016, she has been a PhD candidate of Social Anthropology at University of Thessaly. Her thesis topic is “Memory and Jewish Identity after the Holocaust: A research on the Second Generation of Israelis of Greek Descent.”   For the completion of her disseration she was recently awarded a scholarship by the State Scholarships Foundation (Operational Program "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning" / NSRF, European Social Fund).

Participation in research programmes:

2013-14: Designing the museum of the city of Volos: Historical research and development of innovative interactive content for the dissemination of knowledge. (Ministry of Education, Greece / NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) 2007-2013, European Social Fund)

 2011-12: Cultures of "religious" practice in contemporary Greece: Exploring the boundaries between the religious and the secular (Research Committee, University of Thessaly)

Research Interests

Jews of Greece, Holocaust, Memory Studies, Oral History, Diasporic Identities, Ethnic groups.